Sugaring off festival – Manitoba Maple Syrup

Sugaring Off Festival Poster

Nouvelle date pour le festival des sucres – 12 et 13 septembre 2020
New date for our sugaring off festival 2020 – September 12 & 13
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Musée St-Pierre- Jolys

Its time to celebrate when the local sugar water is flowing – Local Maple Syrup which is usually available during our spring festival “Sugaring off Festival “First weekend in April” – You are able to attend classes on how to harvest and produce local maple syrup and have the opportunity to witness the transformation and evaporation process.
St Pierre was an economic boom in the late 1800 with numerous businesses hiring and providing jobs to many who are now located in the surrounding French communities of Manitoba.

The event is finished.


Sep 12 - 13 2020


All DayToute la journée


Sugar Shack
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St-Pierre-Jolys Museum

432 Joubert St
St-Pierre-Jolys, MB, R0A 1V0

Seasonal Hours
Site open dawn 'til dusk

For Inquiries & Private Tours:
431-777-6149 (call/text)


The St-Pierre-Jolys museum is run with the gracious support of our donors. Help preserve this important piece of Manitoba history by making a donation today.
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